We are thrilled to finally have the new website up and running at LPMisesCaucus.com. Along with our caucus manifesto that goes in depth regard who we are and what our goals are, here are a few new things we have to announce: 1) We have a brand new merch store at https://mises-merch.myshopify.com. Check it out! 2) Ask An Austrian will be embedded into the site and we will begin to put out content through it 3.) You will notice many visual improvements and we will be making adjustments as time goes on and 4) A donation page is available for you to help support us!
We also need writers! We initially thought we would attract writers through paid gigs–and that may still be a possibility going forward–but we hope to give new writers a shot regardless of pay. If you have anything you feel is worthy of being published, email me–Steven Clyde–a copy of your paper and i’ll quickly glance over it. Here are a few writing tips below.
Some things that may help if you’re new to writing:
1.) In Microsoft Word, once you’ve typed out a sentence that will be sourced, go to the “References” tab at the top and look for the “Insert Footnote” button. Press that, and congratulations–you’ve created a footnote!
2.) Here is the basic structure of a Chicago style footnote (mostly used for writers in economics):
First Name Last Name, Book Title: Subtitle (State (unless it’s a big city, then use the city name): Publishing House, Year Book Is Published (edition you’re citing is important, always choose latest book shows), page number.
Here is an example footnote if I were to cite page 15 in The Ethics of Liberty:
Murray Rothbard, The Ethics of Liberty (New York: New York University Press, 2002), 15.
These two tips will help you immensely.
We are super excited about the future. Thank you all for taking part in real change.
-Steven Clyde, February 23, 2020