Psychedelic mushrooms growing in Veracruz, Mexico. (Alan Rockefeller / Wikimedia Commons)
The Issue:
Drug decriminalization and legalization was the big winner of 2020. Specifically, psychedelic drug decriminalization has rapidly picked up steam over the past year and a half ever since Denver decriminalized psilocybin mushrooms. Since then, efforts to lessen penalties on all naturally occurring psychedelics have born fruit in Ann Arbor Michigan, Oakland California, Santa Cruz California and recently got it’s biggest victory with the state of Oregon voting for the first ever medical legalization of psilocybin and with psychedelics being decriminalized in the nation’s capital, Washington D.C. The effort has been led by the grassroots organization, Decriminalize Nature. Oregon decriminalized all illegal drugs as well.
Likewise, Marijuana prohibition took a big hit as well. Montana, Arizona, New Jersey and South Dakota all voted to legalize recreational cannabis with Mississippi legalizing medical cannabis. Decriminalization efforts are underway in various other illegal states like Pennsylvania and Florida.

Why Natural Psychedelics?
Research led by the Multi-Disciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies (MAPS), and the Johns Hopkins Center for Psychedelic Consciousness Research has yielded incredible results with massive implications on the role of psychedelics and psychedelic therapy’s within mental healthcare. Studies show psilocybin to be incredibly effective at treating treatment resistant depression, anxiety disorders and addiction. It has even been labeled a “breakthrough therapy” for severe depression.

Our Strategy
The Mises Caucus is the largest and fastest growing organization within the Libertarian Party. We have state level organizers and volunteer lists in nearly every state across the country. These groups are already experienced in organization from issue campaigns, to candidate campaigns to party conventions. Libertarians were involved in several of the psychedelic efforts, including the original Denver Psilocybin effort led by what is now the Society for Psychedelic Outreach, Research and Education (S.P.O.R.E). With your support, we will be reaching out to Decriminalize Nature, NORML and other Psychedelic and Cannabis decriminalization activists across the country to organize, knock doors and lobby local-level representatives for the cause of cannabis and psychedelic decriminalization
Decriminalize Psychedelics/Decrim Weed
Please fill out this form to stay up to date on the Decriminalize Psychedelics/Cannabis campaign. We are looking for opportunities to decriminalize at the local level and encouraging our subscribers to attend their town council meetings and lobbying them.