The Issue:
With a Biden victory, gun rights are unfortunately on the table. Fortunately, many Americans are taking precautions to protect their rights. Over 400 areas at the town and county level across the country have passed Gun Rights Sanctuary legislation. A gun rights sanctuary is an area where legislation has passed that prevents enforcement of unconstitutional gun control laws like red flag laws, universal background checks and assault weapons bans. 16 states have all been hotbeds for such legislation at the county and town levels. Alaska, Idaho, Kansas and Wyoming have passed measures at the state level (Map).

The Mises Caucus (with the help of Mises Super PAC) is the largest and fastest growing organization within the Libertarian Party. We have state level organizers and volunteer lists in nearly every state across the country. These groups are already experienced in organization from issue campaigns, to candidate campaigns to party conventions

With your support, we will be reaching out to Gun Owners of America, The Second Amendment Foundation, and other 2A activists and organizations across the country to organize, knock doors, and lobby local-level representatives for the cause of protecting our right to protect ourselves and our families